Why is high quality manufacturing vital for the South African market?

2018-07-19T07:28:58+00:00June 6th, 2018|

High Quality Manufacturing gives you a Competitive Edge When a company follows the line of high quality manufacturing, they open themselves up to the international competitive market. Manufacturing is the most important cause for economic growth and due to the challenging exchange rates of the EUR/USD, South Africa is actually in a position where [...]

MicroStep wins World Entrepreneur 2015

2018-06-06T09:42:11+00:00October 6th, 2015|

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ 2015 Ceremony with MicroStep’s CEO and CFO The EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year Event 2015 took place in the sunny Monte Carlo from 3-7 June 2015. 65 Entrepreneur Of The Year winners from 53 countries competed for the world title to cement their legacy by entering the EY World [...]

Customer input on why they bought a MicroStep Machine

2018-06-06T09:40:15+00:00June 6th, 2015|

Why they bought a Microstep machine MicroStep CNC Plasma Cutting Machines Easyway Gadgets owns two MicroStep CNC Plasma Cutting Machines. They first looked into purchasing a machine as they were facing a supply and demand issue and were struggling to keep up with the incoming jobs. They needed a machine that could assist them in [...]

It is with great excitement that the MicroStep Group® announces the foundation of a subsidiary in South Africa in June 2014, which will be known as MicroStep South Africa®.

2018-06-05T07:58:47+00:00June 5th, 2014|

After many years of selling and servicing machines in South Africa via a dealer, the owners and shareholders of the MicroStep Group® decided to found a subsidiary (Microstep South Africa) for taking care of these tasks. This decision was recently announced in an international dealer meeting, which took place at the headquarters in Bratislava. Leading the new [...]

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