German quality stands out with Kjellberg plasma sources.

2021-10-26T09:46:47+00:00October 26th, 2021|

The HiFocus neo ensures the user many benefits from high-speed cutting and marking on electrically conductive materials. All this improvement with added excellent cutting quality and remaining low processing costs. This optimised technology ensures that the consumables are protected and the plasma cutting process is more efficient. The units HiFocus 280i, 360i and 440i neo can be used [...]

The Word we all want to hear is Save!!

2020-02-04T09:16:12+00:00February 4th, 2020|

Save on Consumables Everybody wants to Save Money It is a real headache for any business owner to have to spend so much money on wear and tear. They are always looking to save on consumables. How do you save on Consumables? MicroStep Offers these simple tips: Consumables can make up the largest portion of [...]

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