The MSF FiberLas | Precise Laser-Allrounder

2018-05-31T08:52:21+00:00February 8th, 2018|

MSF Fiberlas -The Fiber Laser all rounder The new generation of MSF FiberLas is here and ready. With MicroStep's precise laser all-rounder, it is now possible to machine sheet metal in various ways on just one CNC machine. Features include are  combined 2D and 3D cutting, drilling, tapping, countersinking and marking. Chamfers of [...]

CNC Laser Cutting or CNC Plasma Cutting, which one?

2018-05-31T08:57:21+00:00December 13th, 2017|

MicroStep CNC Laser Cutting Machine     CNC Laser Cutting or CNC Plasma Cutting? Have you found yourself confused and wondering which technology would work best for your business? Asking yourself which one do I choose?  We have put together a few essentials to help you make the right decision suitable to your [...]

MicroStep founds a subsidiary in the USA.

2018-06-04T07:11:05+00:00October 31st, 2016|

Entering The American Market This year, MicroStep made a big and important step over the Atlantic Ocean to bring its drive for innovation to the United States of America. It is with great pride that we announce the foundation of a new MicroStep subsidiary Microstep USA that took place in October 2016. Based in Gastonia, [...]

Pitfalls of buying cheap Machines

2018-06-04T09:43:41+00:00April 4th, 2016|

“Goedkoop koop is duur koop” – Buying cheap normally means you end up paying double. This especially applies to modern machinery On a daily basis we are all faced with decisions when it comes to making a purchase. Even from childhood days where our parents instilled the intrinsic value in us of the value of [...]

It is with great excitement that the MicroStep Group® announces the foundation of a subsidiary in South Africa in June 2014, which will be known as MicroStep South Africa®.

2018-06-05T07:58:47+00:00June 5th, 2014|

After many years of selling and servicing machines in South Africa via a dealer, the owners and shareholders of the MicroStep Group® decided to found a subsidiary (Microstep South Africa) for taking care of these tasks. This decision was recently announced in an international dealer meeting, which took place at the headquarters in Bratislava. Leading the new [...]

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