Advantages of owning a CNC Plasma Cutting Machine
Owning a High Definition CNC Plasma Cutting Machine can offer you various advantages, which have been listed below. We spoke to a few of our long standing clients (some of them owning more than one MicroStep machine) and these were the overall top pointers made.
- Your lead times of outsourced parts are reduced significantly, therefore your invoicing of finished products will materialize much faster. This will increase your cash flow and as we all know, cash is king!
- Your work in progress will also be significantly reduced as you do not have to keep parts in stock that have already been cut. You will only need to keep raw materials in stock which is about 30 – 40% less.
- Your turn around time from design to finished product is also reduced tremendously, as you are in control of the design process (CAD) as well as the cutting process on the machine.
- Off cuts percentage will also be reduced by a great margin as you are in control of the nesting of a part to be cut
- If you own an high definition plasma cutting system there are no outsourcing costs to 3rd party suppliers.
In conclusion it is safe to say that although the initial outlay of costs is quite high, if you weigh up the positives you soon realize that your machine would be paid off quite quickly due to the fact that your work load will drastically increase.
We offer a variety of different technologies such as Fiberlaser, Plasma, Oxyfule and Waterjet, to suit your needs.
Have a look at out products listing to find a machine that works for you or contact us so that we can advise you