MicroStep Group Magazine News 2017
MicroStep South Africa would like to present our MicroStep Group magazine News 2017
This feature is brought out every two years and NEWS 2019, will be available early next year. Read up on all the latest technology advances.
Our News 2017 is for anyone in the industry who does not know the world of MicroStep. Our catalogue states a brief description of the company and explains how MicroStep started as an entity. You will also be able to read up on success stories of companies who have purchased MicroStep solutions.
There is in depth information on all system models and cutting accessories available for each technology. Read up on all our developments in software and developments of special applications such as robotic systems, cutting of domes, profile cutting and other applications.
Read up on all the types of cutting and machines for each application and all the technologies implemented to improve reliability, accuracy and final product quality.
MicroStep also offers automated loading and unloading of materials or production management software.
Check out the map to see globally, where MicroStep has a footprint in the market.
You can download the MicroStep Group NEWS 2017 by clicking the button below. It is a large file so be advised to please download over Wifi.
MicroStep South Africa prides itself in offering solutions to customers that will make your production and manufacturing cycle, a less hassle free one and we are proud to be associated with the global group. In Southern Africa we now have 84 machines. We are able to service and maintain these systems due to our locally based team of technicians and also are able to supply you with consumables and spare parts.
For more information on all our applications and solutions you can contact us at info@microstepsa.co.za or call us on 083 463 0999