Why they bought a Microstep machine
MicroStep CNC Plasma Cutting Machines
Easyway Gadgets owns two MicroStep CNC Plasma Cutting Machines.
They first looked into purchasing a machine as they were facing a supply and demand issue and were struggling to keep up with the incoming jobs. They needed a machine that could assist them in upping their production.
When they started investigating the issue they heard a lot of complaints about other machine manufacturers. The backup and after service was also a concern.
They contacted Microstep and after being shown videos of the machine’s capability and in reading up on the brand they were impressed with everything the machine had to offer. Microstep was slightly more expensive than the competitors but they could see that the machine quality is very superior and Ludwig Oellermann, MD of MicroStep South Africa assured them of the aftersale service of our qualified service engineers.
“MicroStep is much more advanced in the plasma cutting machinery than other manufacturers and there are so many more possibilities with the machine.” -Rickus Senekal
Easyway Gadgets is now looking into the possibility of a MicroStep Fiberlaser.
“There will always be hickups, but in general, we are very happy with MicroStep”- Rickus Senekal-Easyway Gadgets